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Wernecke Wellness

Certified Health Practitioners

Are you ready to optimize your health?


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Achieving optimal physical health, where your body feels strong, resilient, and free from the burdens of chronic illness.

Waking up each day feeling refreshed and revitalized, ready to tackle whatever comes your way.

Enjoying a vibrant and active lifestyle, free from the constraints of persistent fatigue and brain fog.

Experiencing a newfound sense of vitality and zest for life, as you unleash your full potential and thrive in every aspect of your being.

You CAN Achieve Optimal Health

Let Us Show You How


About Us

At Wernecke Wellness, we're Sheri and Leah, a dynamic mother-daughter duo with a deeply personal understanding of holistic health. Leah's journey began at age 8, grappling with a myriad of health challenges, from abdominal migraines to chronic pain labeled as CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome). She endured countless doctor visits, prescriptions, and treatments, only to find temporary relief or unwanted side effects. The medical system often addressed symptoms rather than root causes, leaving Leah frustrated and seeking her own path to healing. Together, we navigated through the maze of healthcare, determined to find solutions beyond symptom management. Through diligent research and a commitment to understanding the interconnectedness of mind and body, we uncovered the importance of addressing root causes to achieve lasting health. Leah's personal struggles became the catalyst for our mission at Wernecke Wellness. Our goal is to empower individuals to reclaim control of their health journey by prioritizing comprehensive wellness strategies over quick-fix solutions. With a profound understanding of pain, loss, and the journey to healing, We are both dedicated to guiding others toward a life of balance, vitality, and holistic well-being.


Roadmap To Optimal Health


Identify Your Root Cause

If you're tired of searching for answers to your symptoms without success, root cause testing could be the key to unlocking the puzzle of your health. At Wernecke Wellness, we offer comprehensive testing options, including gut analysis, urine analysis, and saliva tests. These tests delve deep into your body's imbalances, providing crucial insights to develop a personalized approach to address the root causes of your health concerns. With this targeted strategy, we empower you to achieve lasting wellness and freedom from chronic symptoms.


Personalized Healing Program

At Wernecke Wellness, we understand that each individual is unique, and so are their health challenges. That's why we're dedicated to creating a personalized healing program tailored specifically to you. We'll focus on your symptoms and craft a bio-individualized plan that addresses all aspects of your life, including diet, exercise, stress management, toxin removal, rest, emotional balance, supplementation, and success mindset. By taking a comprehensive approach, we leave no stone unturned.


A Rebalanced Body

After guiding you through the process of addressing your body's concerns, you'll emerge with a revitalized sense of well-being. Experience the transformation as you enjoy increased energy levels, improved sleep quality, enhanced mental clarity, reduced inflammation, and a newfound sense of vitality. At Wernecke Wellness, our goal is not just to alleviate symptoms, but to help you achieve true balance and optimal health, allowing you to thrive in every aspect of your life.



"Leah Wernecke was wonderful to work with ! She is a picture of health and cares genuinely about her clients . She looks to get to the root of what is causing symptoms and not just finding ways to mask them . I began to feel so much better with some very simple changes to my diet but never would have known what a difference it could make without her helping me. I would recommend her to anyone interested in improving how they feel and how they look. Wernecke wellness is an amazing answer to helping your overall health inside and out" - Cindy
"I want to express my immense gratitude to Sheri and Leah at Wernecke Wellness. Since starting with them last year, their guidance has transformed my lifestyle. Following their advice, I made smarter dietary choices, incorporating more natural foods and cutting out evening snacks, especially after evening meals. These changes led to weight loss and a significant improvement in how I feel. I recently completed my second detox, which was much easier than anticipated. Words cannot fully capture how good I feel now. I have more energy and a newfound appreciation for nutrition and life choices. Thank you, Sheri & Leah, for your dedication to helping others achieve their best selves." - Dianne
"Leah and Sheri are wonderful! They are so knowledgeable and always have a variety of methods for approaching your health issue. All you have to say is "How do I address <insert issue>?" and they will have an answer. Additionally, they have probably already tried what they are offering and can speak to how it works. They love what they do, are on a mission to help everyone from the inside out, and have inspired me to live a healthier life!" - Buffie

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